Dutch-German grant call

Summarized by June

For DCA only

Summary at a glance

Who can apply

  • Collaborative teams with eligible researchers from both German and the Netherlands
  • (Press the Down Arrow to see the sub-slides, and the Left Arrow to go to the next slide.)

When to submit

  • Proposals can be submitted at any time during the pilot programme (6 August 2024 – 30 July 2027), but applicants should allow sufficient time for internal approvals and processing by the chosen Lead Agency.

Basic info

  • Pilot duration: August 06, 2024 - July 30, 2027
  • Project type: basic research in specified scientific disciplines
  • Funding duration: 36 months
  • Lead agency: choice between DFG or NWO
  • Commercial involvement allowed? NO

Key eligibility criteria

Institutional requirements

  • Netherlands: applications must meet NWO OC Domain Science (ENW) M program eligibility requirements
  • Germany: applicants must meet DFG's research grants program eligibility
  • More info below

NWO OC Domain Science eligibility

  • Applicants should hold a (expected) tenured position in a Dutch University
  • Assistant professor and above
  • A main or co-applicant may only submit an ENW-M proposal once every twelve months

DFG Research grants program eligibility

  • Applicants should hold a PhD degree and work in a German research institution
  • Researchers at institutions that serve purely commercial purposes or those who are not permitted to publish findings in a generally accessible form are not eligible to apply

Team, budget, and scope

Team composition

  • Must include both German and Dutch partners contributing substantially to the project

Budget constraints

  • Projects should be integrated but do not need to be symmetrical in terms of funds applied for. However, work packages are expected to be delivered with a reasonably equal distribution between partners.

Research scope

  • For DCA, it's in the scope of Computer Science.
  • Proposal language: English

Submission process

  • Applicants can choose either DFG or NWO as the Lead Agency. The coordinating applicant submits the joint proposal to the chosen Lead Agency, and a copy must be submitted to the Partner Agency within seven days.

Constraints and caveats

Common mistakes to avoid

  • Submitting proposals outside the specified scientific disciplines.
  • Failing to submit a copy of the proposal to the Partner Agency within the required timeframe.


  • Commercial companies must not be included as research or cooperation partners.
  • Unilateral funding of only one part of the project is not possible; both DFG and NWO must approve the funding.

Procedural notes

  • Ensure compliance with both DFG and NWO guidelines, including specific requirements related to proposal structure, budget justification, and necessary attachments.
  • Adhere to the page limits and formatting requirements specified by the chosen Lead Agency.

Actionable steps

Find a partner

  • Establish a collaboration with an eligible researcher from the counterpart country (Germany or the Netherlands).

Choose a lead agency

  • Decide whether DFG or NWO will act as the Lead Agency based on factors such as the primary location of the research activities and familiarity with the agency's procedures.

Prepare proposal

  • Develop a joint project proposal following the guidelines and templates of the chosen Lead Agency.

The proposal should include:

  • A comprehensive project description covering both German and Dutch contributions.
  • Justification for all requested funds, adhering to national rules applicable to each applicant.
  • CVs for all applicants (DFG’s template).
  • The compulsory "NWO-DFG Project Data Form" and any other necessary attachments.

Submit correctly

  • DFG as Lead Agency: Submission via DFG’s electronic proposal processing system, elan.
  • NWO as Lead Agency: Submission details are available on NWO’s website.
  • A copy of the proposal must then be submitted to the Partner Agency within seven days.

Please remember:

  • The slides provided above outline the key info to help you determine if you are eligible to apply. If you decide to proceed with an application, please contact me for the next steps.