Curated Grant Info

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This section provides an overview of key information about NWO, ERC, and other frequently used grant calls, including deadlines, funding details, eligibility criteria, and specific requirements for quick reference.

To view all grant info in this category, select "Grant Info," click on the search box, leave it blank, and press Enter. Alternatively, you can search using keywords such as "NWO", "XS", "M", "Starting", "ERC", or "grant".

Important: Before applying for a grant, consult the project control office to ensure the funding rules align with departmental policies. Some grants may not fully cover indirect costs, require co-funding, or exclude certain expenses, which could create financial burdens for the department. A quick review can save time and avoid unexpected liabilities.

Understanding the Colors for Grant Information


Submission Period:

UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Guidelines and templates for creating data management plans for various funding bodies.

I've gathered several articles on grant writing from and summarized the key insights from each one.

You can search the summaries using keywords such as "writing", "grant", "application", "ERC", "step", and more.

To view all available items in this category, select "writing tips", click on the search box, leave it empty, and press Enter.

Grant Calendar